
Arhoswch yn ddiweddar gyda'r newyddion a'r digwyddiadau diweddaraf

Canolfan Newyddion

Modiwl Monitro Pwer Offer Tân ML-24V/I-Eich ffrind gorau newydd ym myd diogelwch tân!

Dyddiad : Mawrth-15-2025

Os ydych chi erioed wedi meddwl tybed a yw'ch offer tân yn cael y pŵer sydd ei angen arno i gyflawni ei genhadaeth arwrol, poeni dim mwy! Mae'r modiwl bach nifty hwn yn datrys eich problem, gan sicrhau bod eich ffynonellau pŵer cynradd a wrth gefn mewn siâp tip-top. Gyda'r ML-24V/I, gallwch fod yn dawel eich meddwl o wybod bod eich system diogelwch tân yn barod pan fydd bwysicaf.


Now, let's get into the details. The ML-24V/I is designed to comply with the national standard GB28184-2011 for fire equipment power monitoring systems. That's right, people! This is no ordinary gadget; it's a powerful, certified unit that monitors the power supply of fire equipment. Whether it's overvoltage, undervoltage, phase loss, or overcurrent, this module has your back. Mae fel cael gwarchodwr corff personol ar gyfer eich system drydanol, gan sicrhau bod popeth yn rhedeg yn llyfn ac yn effeithlon.


Ond aros, mae mwy! The ML-24V/I does more than monitor for power outages; it's also designed with safety in mind. The module runs on DC24V, ensuring your systems and personnel are protected from any electrical mishaps. Safety first, right? A, gyda dull caffael signal foltedd sydd ag ymyl gwall o lai nag 1%, gallwch fod yn hyderus bod y darlleniadau rydych chi'n eu cael mor gywir â thaflegryn dan arweiniad laser. No more guessing games when it comes to fire safety equipment!


Peidiwch ag anghofio am rwyddineb gosod. Mae'r ML-24V/I wedi'i gynllunio i integreiddio'n uniongyrchol i'ch system diogelwch tân bresennol. Gyda'i alluoedd casglu signal foltedd Crimp uniongyrchol, gallwch ddechrau ei ddefnyddio ar unwaith. Ffarwelio â setiau cymhleth a mwynhewch brofiad heb drafferth! Plus, thanks to its compact design, it doesn't take up too much space, leaving you with plenty of room for all the other important safety equipment you've been keeping an eye on.


All in all, the ML-24V/I Fire Equipment Power Monitoring Module is the ultimate solution for anyone who takes fire safety seriously. Gan gydymffurfio â safonau cenedlaethol, â galluoedd monitro cynhwysfawr ac ymrwymiad i ddiogelwch, mae'r modiwl yn hanfodol ar gyfer unrhyw gyfleuster diffodd tân. So what are you waiting for? Equip your fire safety gear with the ML-24V/I today and ensure your firefighting equipment is always ready to go when the alarm bells ring. After all, when it comes to fire safety, it's better to be safe than sorry – and with the ML-24V/I, you get the best of both worlds!


+86 13291685922